Friday, February 21, 2020

2013 Fashion Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

2013 Fashion Promotion - Essay Example The essay "Fashion Promotion" talks about the promotion in fashion. The brand, Release, has every intention to rival well positioned brands in the fashion industry such as ZARA, HM and TopShop. Obviously, this is not a mean challenge as these are well established brands which have largely cut a niche in the fashion market. At the moment, a brand such as ZARA is the biggest fashion retailer in the world, eating into its UK market share will require meticulous planning and exquisite brand positioning. One that puts into consideration the cultural diversity, demographics, and the choices and priorities of the brands focus group. Release has made a deliberate effort to define its customers not on basis of products but on class, with the focus group being the high end clientele who are often in the middle or upper middle bracket. The idea is to provide everything this class of customers requires in terms of fashion under one roof, availing them a chance to shop for the entire family with complete ease. The premium fashion brands segment has arguably witnessed the greatest changes in the consumer market. The segment also faces aggressive competition from the higher-priced luxury and prestige brands and the lower priced mass fashion brands. High end consumers desire innovative and inspiring luxury products to enable them to feel dynamic and alive. They view high-end products as not necessarily the most expensive or the most lavish products, but the best that suits each individual and their outlook of life.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Jukushop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jukushop - Essay Example To ensure effective communication and coordination, Jukushop has an organizational structure which interrelates groups of the organization. Jukushop has adopted divisional structure. Divisional structure is formed when an organization is split up into a number of self contained business units, each of which operates as a profit centre. The division occurs on the basis of the products or market or a combination of the two with each unit tending to operate along functional or product lines, but with certain key functions such as personnel, finance and corporate planning. (Burns and Stalker, 1961) Jukushop has invested heavily on marketing especially in sale promotion. Sales promotion is one of the four promotion mix. The other three are advertising, personal selling, and publicity or public relations. Sales promotions are non-personal promotional efforts that are designed to have an immediate impact on sales. It is usually a media and non-media marketing communication employed for a pre-determined and limited time to increase consumer demand and also to stimulate market demand or improve product availability. Examples of sales promotions aspects include: discounts and sales, free samples, gifts and incentives, coupons and rebates. In their sales promotion, Jukushop has been targeting both consumers and retailers/wholesalers hence they applied consumer sales promotion and trade sales promotion. (Mitchell, 2005) International Involvement Companies that are international involved have a major market to deal with hence they have to be aware of all the required regulations in the international market. They have to be aware of the requirements with various countries and even join a number of international trading bodies. II. INTERNSHIP GOALS A formalized internship program gives a hands-on experience in ones preferred field so that one can truly determine if it is the right industry for him. It is very important for one to participate in an internship program as one receives the exposure to his chosen industry. The beauty of an internship is that it helps one determine what he is looking for in a career before graduation such that one can make adjustments to his curriculum if needed. Internship helps one to apply the skills learnt in college and allows one to identify opportunities for improvement. Recognizing where improvement is needed is essential for one to have proper skill and become competitive in the job market by the time one graduate. For this case, in my internship, I have received a lot of exposure in the marketing field and more so I have applied what I learn in class. III. TASKS ASSIGNED Jukushop being a house of style of pets that are marketed internationally, I was assigned a number of marketing duties in the organization. I was assigned the duty of formulating marketing strategies for the firm. Marketing strategies serve as the fundamental underpinning of marketing plans designed to reach marketing objectives. A marketing plan contains a list of specific actions required to successfully implement a